

创建时间:2020-05-29 浏览数:609

Do you guys know what diligence means? Diligence is very important in our lives, and it’s meaning is to do something with a lot of effort. My cousin once did a test without it. Let’s see what happens in this story...

My cousin was in the middle of a test and saw some people playing outside, some of them being people who finished the test, so he thought: “Hey, all I need to do is just rush my test and I can play! So, thats what I’m going to do.” So he did the test without diligence or concentration and got out to play with the other kids. But when he got back home, he and his mother found out he didn’t do very well on his test. So he had to do it again which cost him about 1 hour. That’s a lot of time wasted on doing the test again when he could’ve spent 30 minutes on the test before.

He didn’t use diligence or concentration and just rushed the test, which means he didn’t put effort into it. We need effort in everything, not just tests or school things. When we grow up we get jobs. But if we don’t have diligence or concentration, you won’t get a very good salary or not even a job! Also, diligence can be really important in friendship too, like your friend telling you to do something for them and you say ok but do it without diligence and it didn’t end so well. Your friendship could break and even end!

This is why we need diligence, and why we need it in life. It can help us in so many ways in life. Have diligence in everything you do, even the small things. That would make you a better person.


