Why I should be Leader of study

Why I should be Leader of study

创建时间:2020-05-29 浏览数:617

Hello! I’m Gabriel and I’m the 小老师 or the little teacher, and I deserve the place of

Leader of study in our class.

I deserve this place because, I have a lot of special classes and knows how to learn and teach because I’ve teached my friends and family things too. So I have experience on teaching people. Also, it’s been my dream to be a teacher, and teach others my knowledge.

I can help by: If students are having trouble learning, I can help them by telling them interesting ways to remember them and explain what it is. Most things I can explain because I’ve been in advanced classes. Also, since everyone which is both the high and low level people are together, I can change that by dividing them into groups based on knowledge. It’ll save way more time than putting them all together and a bunch of people think it’s easy and a bunch of people thinking it’s hard. I could even give extra classes to some people, I don’t bother. Also, if the teacher has something to do, I will try my very best to do it if you assign me this task. You, the teacher can save time too!

So please, give your precious vote to me and I will make the class and school the best place I can and also to teach students my knowledge. Thank you for listening.


