Waking up in the morning
Waking up in the morning
所属课程: 拯救书店计划
*mandaGoh (江苏)

Waking up in the morning

创建时间:2015-12-11 浏览数:1242

The most common way of waking people or yourself up is by setting an alarm clock by your ears. It will then ring and wake you/that person up. 75% of people who try to wake themselves up in the morning do this to wake themselves up.




The most crazy way for me is to draw on someone's face, or maybe blast music up to full volume. This would probably give them a big shock in the morning. It may sound horrible but it really works. I tried! XD


My favorite way is to pour cold water down the neck. It is effective and not annoying/horrible at all. Cold water makes people WIDE AWAKE so this is one of my favorite ways. I also like to leave a gap within my curtains where my head is. When light shoots on your face you would automatically wake up, unless you are facing the other side.

There is also another very CRAZY way of waking up. You can see this often in movies like ' The Jungle Book' or 'Adventure Story'. Ask someone who WILL wake up early and is strong enough to carry you to pull you by the leg. If they pull hard enough, you would be dangling by one foot. You will naturally wake up since your blood circulation isn't working because you're defying the gravitational force. If you don't wake up naturally, you have blood problems and should go to the hospital for a check-up.                      .



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