In Twelve Oaks, there is a famous chocolate factory. Children love the chocolate made in this factory. The name of this well-known factory is Magical Sweets. The factory makes all kinds of sweets. Chocolates, cakes, candies, lollipops, ice-creams, sodas…you name it, they’ve made it. Their products can be seen all over town and even in other cities too! Not only are their products famous, the owner of this factory is mysterious and he hardly shows himself in public. But one day, the owner of the factory, who calls himself Mr. Sweets, sends a message to all the townspeople. He will be choosing a new owner for the factory, but only the most worthy child will be selected, and the date for the choosing of the inheritor will be tomorrow. The quiet town suddenly became noisy. Mothers buying dresses for their daughters, fathers buying suites for their sons. Parents wanting to make their children look pretty. “All boys and girls get ready for the selection!” the speaker boomed. “Please stand in line, we will pass out sunflower seeds, please plant them in the pots we will hand out shortly. This is the first task. After a month, the child with the most beautiful sunflower will move on to the next task. After a month, people from all over the town came to the plaza to see who will move on to the next task. There were people with broad smiles on their faces, but there are still others walking slowly, with no smile on their faces. Then, the speaker said: “everyone who doesn’t have a sunflower, please come to the factory tomorrow. The seeds were cooked, everyone who planted beautiful sunflowers aren’t honest.” Little Jason was one of the few who did not plant a sunflower; he thought “The person didn’t tell us the time to get to the factory; I’ll have to wait all day!” Mr. Sweets saw this little boy sitting on the steps of the factory, waiting patiently for the gates to open, while the rest of the qualified children banged on the doors. Mr. Sweets waited for the other children to go home furious, while he secretly opened a side door, and he took little Jason by the hand and led him in his factory. “What’s your name, boy?” he asked Jason. “My name is Jason sir.” The latter answered. “Congratulations my boy, you are now the rightful owner of this factory!”
“And that was how I inherited this factory.” Everyone applauded for this great chocolate master.