From Rice to King
From Rice to King
*楚乔 (辽宁大连)

From Rice to King

创建时间:2018-04-06 浏览数:553

There was once a young farmer who’s name was Jack, his parents died not long after he was born. He has been fed by many tender-hearted women in the village. Jack had only one little grain of rice.

One day, Jack decided to go to work and he planted the rice and took very good care of it. After a few years the grain of rice turned into a whole field of the best kind of rice in the village. What Jack didn’t know was that the man who gave him the grain of rice was actually the leader of his village. The leader had looked for the perfect person to take over his village and found this boy. Suddenly, one day when Jack was working in his big field, the leader of his village came to his little cottage and told him he was going to be the next leader of the village.

A few years went by and Jack was found to be a really good leader of the village. Jack then he traded his old cattle for a bike, this way he could fulfill his dreams and explore the outer world. He kept on enlarging his village. And he was not the same young farmer we knew, he’s more grownup now. He packed his belongings and gave his village to another person and rode off with all his things. He made a stop in the town Aipotu. Jack locked his bicycle on the bicycle rack. He then met a fine looking man who said he could help Jack become very famous and rich. Jack was moved and believed this man but little did he know that this was the criminal that the Aipotu government wanted to arrest. The man led Jack to an apartment, on the door it said: Business-man at work. After Jack went inside the room, the man mysteriously closed the door behind him. “Give me all your belongings or else…” said the man. Jack was stunned and frightened. “I…don’t have…anything.” Jack stuttered. “Then give me the bag you are holding.” the man snarled while pointing a gun at Jack’s head. Jack had no other choice but to leave all his things as the mysterious man instructed him to. Suddenly, Jack had a black-out. When he woke up, he found that he was alone on the streets of Aipotu.

He was desperate and wanted to give up on his dream, but he remembered the old leader’s injunction: “Never give up on your dream”. He forced himself to stand up and he found his bicycle among the others. He made up his mind to trade all that’s left of his belongings for some money because he was starving. And he traded his bike for books. He walked day and night to the kingdom Starlight. There are rumors that in this kingdom, people think it is very important to read and farm. Jack still has some rice from back home in his village. He bought a tinny “farm” and started to sell his rice. The people of Starlight were amazed by this stranger’s abilities to grow such nice rice. One day when the royal cook was ordered to buy rice for the royal family, he thought about the rumor about the stranger who grows fine rice. He then took Jack, along with his rice to the castle. When the royal family tasted Jack’s rice, they said it‘s the best rice they’ve had in years! The princess fell in love with Jack immediately and Jack felt the same for the princess too. That called for a royal wedding! But something bad happened at the big day, the princess was missing! She was nowhere to be seen in the castle! All the searches were in vain, and Jack was desperate to find out where his beloved princess is. All of a sudden, Jack found a pair of shoes behind the curtain. He pulled back the curtain and there was the nervous princess shivering in her wedding gown. After a few soothing words, the princess finally agreed to come out and attend the ceremony. Then, they lived happily ever after in the kingdom of Starlight.


P.S.Aipotu is Utopia spelled backwards. Utopia is peaceful while Aipotu means that town isn't peaceful.

