创建时间:2017-06-11 浏览数:1804
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针对这种情况,我建议学校设立 “宠物日”, 学生可以在宠物日携带宠物上学。一次宠物日针对一个班,一年每个班有5次的机会。如果有些同学没有宠物,他们可以和同学分享。在学生上课时,宠物放在临时宠物乐园,例如学校的花园进行娱乐。午餐时,食堂阿姨们会给宠物提供相应的食物,由同学们来合作喂养。在两次大休息时间,同学们可以和宠物们嬉戏、互相交流喂养宠物的经验。
我觉得学校设立“宠物日” 可以增进同学们互相了解及合作,因为通过参与、分享宠物喂养和娱乐,大家能够看到其它同学和平时不同的一面,配合做不同于平时的事情; 设立“宠物日”也可以让我们更有爱心及同理心,因为当我们看到娇嫩、可爱的宠物时,会唤起心中柔软的一面,激发保护弱小的爱心,同时当看到宠物们开心嬉戏、愉快玩耍时,我们也会希望像它们一样快乐相处,身心放松。
通过“宠物日”同学们间增进的理解交流与合作,培养的爱心和同理心,可以减少破坏同学关系的不良行为,建立融洽关系,避免心理伤害,保证孩子们健康快乐学习和成长。因此我建议学校设立 “宠物日”。
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Yolanda, from P4E.
It’s really my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my proposal.
Imagine two schools: the first, there are contradictions, indifference, cynicism and unhappiness among students; the second, full of kindness, care, help and smile. Which one do you prefer? Yes, the second one!
However, in our school, there are such phenomena as jokes, ridicule and satire, criticism behind the back, etc., which lead to disharmony among students and cause psychological harm to certain students, even affect the study and growth.
The teacher's guidance and criticism, the students trying to stop, parents cooperating with school for education, but all of them didn’t work.
In this case, I suggest that our school have Pet Day. Students can bring their pets to school on Pet Day. One Pet Day is for one class, 5 times a year for each class. If some students do not have pets, they can share with their classmates. Pets are kept in temporary pet parks, such as school gardens when students are having classes. During lunch time, aunt will provide pets with pet food, and students feed pets together at canteen. For the two long breaks, students can play with their pets and share experience of pet feeding with one another.
I think the Pet Day can enhance mutual understanding and collaboration among students, because of the sharing, collaboration, and entertainment through participation, we can see the other side of students, which are different from their daily behavior in school; Pet Day can give us more compassion and sympathy, because when we see the delicate and lovely pet, it will arouse the soft side of our hearts, stimulate love to protect the weak life, at the same time when pets are playing happily, we also want to get along as happily as them, and get relaxed.
With the Pet Day, students can enhance mutual understanding and teamwork, cultivate love and compassion, reduce bad behaviors which damage relationship, to establish a harmonious relationship, avoid psychological damage, make students healthy and happy to learn and grow. So I suggest that our school set up a Pet Day.
Thank you for your attention!